Founding Partner –  AEME

The Association of Events Management Education (AEME) was founded in 2004, with the central aim of advancing events education within the UK and overseas higher education institutions.

The association’s objectives are:

(a) To provide a voice for events education.
(b) To support and raise the profile of the events discipline through the sharing of education and best practice.
(c) To provide a discussion forum for issues effecting events education and industry.
(d) To establish communication opportunities between events stakeholders.
(e) To encourage the development and dissemination of the events management body of knowledge.
(f) To support, undertake and disseminate events research.
(g) To encourage international exchange of ideas and best practice in events.

The annual AEME forum has been fundamental in pushing boundaries and forging development of events education in the UK.  It brings together events industry practitioners and academics, to share experiences and connect.  The forum is special because it is themed around current issues faced in the industry and some of these themes have included the role of creativity in events management; economic, social and environmental impacts of events; mega-events and their legacies; the role and use of public spaces; pedagogy in events management.