Point of View: Jenny Davies

Jenny Davies
Deputy Events and Duty Manager at Buckinghamshire New University

As part of our commitment to championing the industry, we are talking to people about their careers and what IEM means to them.

Jenny is in Commercial Events hire at Bucks New University which includes coordinating venue hire, internal events support, filming location hire, Summer School management, Graduation and Welcome Week.  Prior to that she was involved in Recruitment Events organising Open Days and Applicant Visit Days across three campuses, organising and attending UCAS Fairs across the UK for student recruitment, attending European recruitment fairs in France and Spain, and running the Student Ambassador scheme.  Jenny has also done freelance work for London New Years’ Day Parade, UK School Games, Royal Albert Hall events, BBC Countryfile and fundraising events.  She has also done volunteer work for International Scouting trips and Marsh & Micklefield Big Local Outdoor Cinema Events.

Q What does the IEM mean to you?
A The chance to get a professional recognition for my career, the chance to network with like minded individuals, to share professional work standards and complete relevant, accredited career training.

Q Why did you decide it was important for you to get involved?
A My workplace is not a ‘standard’ events location, but my skills are transferable so being able to get recognition for this and to have my work recognised under the IEM banner if I decide to move to another events role.

Q Where do you hope to see the IEM in 20 years’ time?
A Offering support and benefit to its members across all strands and variations of events management: conferences, accredited courses, networking, jobs board, sharing best practice, inclusivity and mentoring.

Q What is your favourite event related memory?
A At the London New Years Day Parade, one of the most fun things I’ve done is drive the roads around Green Park and Piccadilly at 6am on New Years Day in Golf Buggy’s before the roads were closed – a unique experience! In subsequent years I’ve also followed the parade of horses, shovelling, so each year has offered a very different role!