Point of View: Marie Townshend

Marie Townshend
Conferences and Operations Manager at British Occupational Hygiene Society

As part of our commitment to championing the industry, we are talking to people about their careers and what IEM means to them.

Marie Townshend I was 21 and studying for a part time law degree while working full time. She was given a series of roadshows to plan and manage and BOOM, that was it, her love and passion for event management was born and she hasn’t looked back!

From Gala Bingo re-branding, taking the marketing team around the country walking club managers through the new look and advertising, to the HMV training centre, booking and planning management training and teambuilding events, then from introducing a Farmers Market into Nottingham Old Market Square, and securing deals with Fortnum and Mason at food shows in London for small local East Midlands food businesses, to launching new conferences in the environmental services industry.  Now 25 years later, Marie  works for a chartered society tasked with worker health protection and dealing with the move to virtual events throughout the Covid-19 pandemic to provide guidance and support reducing ill health at work.

Q What does the IEM mean to you?
A It’s a place to have our industry recognised and provide a benchmark for standards of professionalism.

Q Why did you decide it was important for you to get involved?
A I work for a Chartered Society and I see how passionate our members are and how proud they are to have their achievements, knowledge and experience recognised by working through their chartership journey, so when I saw that my industry had a body to join I didn’t hesitate!

Q Where do you hope to see the IEM in 20 years’ time?
A The go to organisation for all event management professionals, the recognised institute to prove a level of competence and experience.

Q What is your favourite event related memory?
A In 2019 I persuaded our board to go ahead with Brighton as the location for our annual conference. As part of this I planned pre-dinner drinks on the British Airways i360 and managed to get 200 people from the hotel, through security, drinks in hand enjoying beautiful sunset views of the sea gliding up to the top and back down then back across the road in time for dinner. I don’t usually blow my own trumpet but that was good!