Purpose Programme: Daniel Parrott
As part of our commitment to supporting the industry, we offer free enrolment to all our members on our Purpose Programme and we are talking to those people who have taken part about how it was for them.
This is what Daniel Parrott, Event Organiser and Event Safety Adviser at Aberdeen City Council, had to say…
Q Why did you sign up to the programme?
A Signed up to see how I could develop, as feeling a bit stuck in life at present.
Q Was it what you expected?
A wasn’t too sure what to expect, just hoped I would be able to benefit and develop from the experience.
Q What did you get out of the programme?
A A sense of what I am and what are my driving factors, “+” points and what I need to work on. Also that others on the course are having similar experiences and a mutual benefit of being able to speak to each other.
Q What would you say to someone considering signing up to the programme?
A You get out what you put in.
The next cohort starts on the 28th January.
Find out more about the Purpose Programme