Discover how you can realise your true potential, going forward in your career with greater confidence, direction and purpose. Your ability to realise your talent will be hampered if you don’t identify the ‘Why?’ in your life. That’s why the IEM is offering this programme as a remarkable Member Benefit.
Having a clear understanding and clarity around who you are, how you can help others, and why others should help you will enable you to fast track in achieving your personal goals, both for work and your wider life. Delegates report how doing the programme also puts an extra spring in their step.
In a quick, time-friendly, online efficient programme, you enjoy a stimulating programme that provides the best of personal and individual coaching from a leading purpose coach, while providing you with the learning tools to use at your own time and pace when your precious time is at a premium.
The proven programme enables you to identify and articulate, what makes you tick – and where your next steps should be going. You will work with a group of like-minded colleagues in the industry, receive a toolkit that enables you to identify your values, persona, purposes and more, plus individual one on one coaching.
The programme has been tested in pilot trials with IEM members and around the work, using pioneering new tools developed by the Dublin Conversations – a global initiative to kickstart faster change for a more purposeful world.
Take doing something about discovering who you are, and why you are here from the bottom of your ‘To Do List’ to the top.
Read below about how your fellow IEM colleagues have gained from doing the Programme. Find out more about how the IEM Purpose Programme can help you to help yourself.
Jenny Davies, Deputy Events and Duty Manager at Buckinghamshire New University
Rachel Jones, Events Officer at Teesside University
Lou Kiwanuka, Owner and Founder of The Shaper Group
The IEM Purpose Programme is an exclusive Member Benefit and will automatically be offered to you when you join at no extra charge. It has something to offer all individuals at any stage in their career. Delegates are invited to attend three fortnightly, 60 minute workshops via Zoom, individual coaching meets pre and during the programme, plus be able to afford a similar amount of time to work through the tools provided.

“Ultimately, the programme developed self –confidence in stating my purpose and the values driving that purpose. It was hugely rewarding.”
Tim Nichol

“I would definitely recommend this programme, taking time out of your busy schedules to bring it back to yourself as an individual; what are your beliefs, successes, future goals, who are you as a person and how does that define your purpose and how you can use that to be better and encourage others around you.”
Amy Ward

“You have nothing to lose and everything to gain… some really great tools, ideas and a useful structure.”
Richard John
There is a rolling calendar of cohorts. If you are a member and would like to join please email diane.earles@event-managers.institute