Entries by Rebecca Christian

Headline: Last chance to become a Founding Fellow or Partner!

Don’t forget that the absolute deadline for applications to become a Founding Fellow/Partner of the IEM is fast approaching. We are still getting enquiries for our Founding offer and aim to ensure that everyone who wants to get involved can. We are extremely grateful to everyone who has reached out to us already and with […]

Point of View: Clare Mackay

Clare Mackay Senior Lecturer in Events Management and Programme Leader for Msc Events Management https://www.linkedin.com/in/clare-mackay-58292933 As part of our commitment to championing the industry, we are talking to people about their careers and what IEM means to them. Clare Mackay graduated from Glasgow Caledonian University with a First-Class Honours degree in Entertainment and Events Management.  […]

Point of View: Dale Parmenter

Dale Parmenter Honorary Founding Fellow of IEM https://www.linkedin.com/in/dale-parmenter-8997799/?originalSubdomain=uk As part of our commitment to championing the industry, we are talking to people about their careers and what IEM means to them. Dale Parmenter has been in the presentation and communication industry for over 40 years. He left school with one goal to run his own […]

Headline: Inaugural Founding Fellows and Partners announced

The Institute of Event Management held its Inaugural General Meeting on 19th October 2020.  At this meeting the following first tranche of Founding Fellows and Partners were announced: Honorary Founding Fellow: Dale Parmenter Founding Fellow: Candice Kass Founding Partners: University of Suffolk and UWE Bristol Susan Spibey, who opened the meeting, said, “I am thrilled […]

Headline: Thank you to PlanetIMEX

Thank you to PlanetIMEX and everyone who joined us for our session on 16th October.  Special thanks go to our excellent Chair, Calum di Lieto, Editor C&IT Global, and Event Manager, Maciej Mikolajczak. The feedback and enquiries we have received are so encouraging.  We welcome all your thoughts, ideas and support to help us make […]

Headline: Open for business

We are delighted to announce that The Institute of Event Management is now open and accepting affiliate members – here The Directors will hold an inaugural AGM at 3pm this afternoon and announce the first tranche of Founding Fellows/Partners as we move into the next phase of our journey.  

Headline: Countdown continues

IEM will release more information about it’s plans and how you can get involved at PlanetIMEX today.  If you haven’t already done so, you can Register here IEM welcomes anyone who is interested in professional event management and calls upon those people to support the work of championing professional recognition and the development of the events […]

Headline: Deadline extended for the final time!

We are still getting enquiries for our Founding Fellow/Partner offer and therefore are delighted to advise that the deadline is being extended, one last time, to ensure that everyone who wants to get involved can. We are extremely grateful for this interest and practical support, which we very much need. The new deadline for applications […]

Diary: Join us at PlanetIMEX

In the midst of a pandemic which shut down events with such ferocity at the beginning of the year, there is no better time than now – as we slowly and cautiously view the future – to launch the professional body for event management. We are honoured to be invited to join the global family […]

Headline: Count down begins!

The count down to the Institute of Event Management opening for membership on 19th October 2020 has started! The long anticipated professional body for event managers will go live in just two weeks time and in the run up to it we are continuing conversations with anyone who will listen, including Calum de Lieto who […]