Entries by Rebecca Christian

Purpose Programme: Marie Townshend

As part of our commitment to supporting the industry, we offer free enrolment to all our members on our Purpose Programme and we are talking to those people who have taken part about how it was for them. This is what Marie Townsend, Conference & Event Management Professional, had to say… Q Why did you […]

Point of View: Kelly McCormack

Kelly McCormack Centenary Events and Engagement Manager at the University of Leicester www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-mccormack-45283b2a/ As part of our commitment to championing the industry, we are talking to people about their careers and what IEM means to them. Kelly McCormack is an Event Manager for the University of Leicester and has been in the events industry for […]

Purpose Programme: Simon Venn

As part of our commitment to supporting the industry, we offer free enrolment to all our members on our Purpose Programme and we are talking to those people who have taken part about how it was for them. This is what Simon Venn, Head of Events and Partnerships at ReThink Academy Ltd, had to say… Q Why […]

Purpose Programme: Daisy Louise Lyons

As part of our commitment to supporting the industry, we offer free enrolment to all our members on our Purpose Programme and we are talking to those people who have taken part about how it was for them. This is what Daisy Louise Lyons, a Graduate at Event Grads, had to say… Q Why did you sign […]

Twixmas 2021

Twixmas is a time for reflection and making plans. If you are in the world of events, it may also be a scarey time this year, again, as you consider what lies ahead and challenges 2022 may bring. To help you navigate this, the IEM offers all members free entry onto their Purpose Programme. This […]